Once the installation is completed, it is recommended to change the default Xrdp port 3389 to any alternative port for security purposes. The installation will run, and it will take few minutes to complete. The installation process normally will take few minutes to complete. Now you need to install Xrdp using the following command. Install Gnome desktop package in Ubuntu using the below command.

Run the repository update with the below command before proceeding the installation.

Take SSH access to the Ubuntu server as root or a sudo user. This guide will describe the steps to install Xrdp on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. Users can remotely access the Linux desktop using an RDP client if Xrdp is installed. This file has been truncated.The Xrdp is an open-source implementation of the Microsoft Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) that allows to graphically control a remote system. | Name | GPUs | GPU speed | CPUs | CPU speed | RAM | On demand | ~ Spot instance | Please note that these scripts are tested on Amazon EC2 g2, g3, g4, p2, p3 and g4ad (AMD V520) instances, but they can work without or with a little changes on instances of other hosting providers. These scripts can configure Ubuntu 18.04 on EC2 graphics instances to support running OpenGL applications in TurboVNC via VirtualGL. agisoft-llc/cloud-scripts/blob/master/README.md # Cloud scripts